The debut title in the new Sony Movie Matinee series, this so-so animated tale follows Lipitch, the little orphaned mouse that could, who quits his shoemaker apprentice job, hits the road looking for adventure, and--among other paint-by-number feats--rescues a drowning mouse, finds true love in an orphaned runaway circus mouse, single-handedly snuffs out the fire in a burning building, tangles with the king of the local underworld (King Rat), rehabilitates a thieving raccoon, reunites more than one long-separated family, and in general saves the world from death and destruction--all in 75 minutes (roughly one heroic deed every four minutes). Did I mention the half dozen mediocre musical numbers? Based on a story by Croatian novelist Ivana Brlic-Mazuranic, and directed by Milan Blazekovic, this Slavic production, chock full of stereotypical villains and happy turns-of-event, is a formulaic paean to the hard working little guy. For many caregivers, the strength of this Saturday morning cartoon-level fodder will lie not in the content but in the length. Given the wide range of truly excellent animated titles available, this one's optional at best. Aud: P. (N. Plympton)
Lapitch the Little Shoemaker
(1997) 75 min. $12.98. Sony Wonder (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-7389-2073-8. [Feb. 8] 2/14/00
Lapitch the Little Shoemaker
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