In this computer-animated sequel, based on a book by Frank L. Baum's great-grandson Roger, Dorothy (voiced by Lea Michele)—just returned from her original Oz adventure—is summoned back by the Scarecrow (Dan Aykroyd), Lion (Jim Belushi) and Tin Man (Kelsey Grammer) to help them defeat The Jester (Martin Short), the evil brother of the Wicked Witch of the West, now in control of her powers and using them to turn all of the major characters in the realm into marionettes, including good witch Glinda (Bernadette Peters). While journeying to the Jester's castle, Dorothy and Toto are joined by an unlikely bunch of helpers—Wiser the Owl (Oliver Platt); Marshal Mallow, a soldier of Candy Land (Hugh Dancy); and the China Princess (Megan Hilty). Although facing numerous obstacles (including the Jester's flying monkeys), the group are able to reach their destination, thanks to a boat named Tugg (Patrick Stewart) that is fashioned from an elderly talking tree. Naturally, an epic battle will ensue between the forces of good and evil. Directed by Will Finn and Dan St. Pierre, Dorothy's Return unfortunately suffers from mediocre animation, sketchy characters, and forgettable songs, while also lacking even a hint of the original's magic—mostly proving that there's no Oz like Judy Garland's Oz. Optional. [Note: DVD/Blu-ray extras include the sing-along feature “Sing Along the Yellow Brick Road” (11 min.), the production segments “The Music of Oz” (3 min.) and “The Legacy of Oz” (3 min.), printable activity sheets, and trailers. Exclusive to the Blu-ray release are bonus DVD and digital copies of the film. Bottom line: a decent extras package for a disappointing family film.] (F. Swietek)
Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return
Fox, 88 min., PG, DVD: $22.98, Blu-ray/DVD Combo: $29.99, Aug. 26 Volume 29, Issue 5
Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return
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