This latest incarnation of the Hasbro-toy-based video franchise serves up glossy, computer-animated, song-filled tales centering on doe-eyed young protagonist Blythe, who is able to communicate with the animals at the titular day camp, including purple spaniel Zoe, aqua mongoose Sunil, and laidback green gecko Vinnie. This five-episode set kicks off with “Blythe's Crush,” in which our heroine collides with a cute green-eyed skateboarder while rollerblading and goes on a wild goose chase to try to return the boy's keys—on the advice of Sunil, who is not sure about his newfound “psychic” powers. Also featuring “Dumb Dumbwaiter,” “Lights, Camera, Mongoose,” and “What Did You Say?” (in which the gang is worried when Blythe catches a cold that makes her unable to hear them speak), the set concludes with “Terriers & Tiaras,” which offers a silly spin on pageant competitions. Bonus features include a sing-along song. Recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Littlest Pet Shop: Petacular Escapades
(2013) 110 min. DVD: $14.98. Shout! Kids (avail. from most distributors). Closed captioned. Volume 28, Issue 6
Littlest Pet Shop: Petacular Escapades
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