Marshall Publishing continues its line of Lots and Lots...Galore early-viewing videos (train- and transportation-oriented, generally), here specializing in playroom-fantasy layouts of simplified wooden toy trains—the ones with simplified construction, in which cars are held together using magnets as couplers.
There is no plot or dialogue (except for sung, C&W arrangements of tunes such as "I Got Trains on the Brain" and "Wheels on the Train"). Video footage of the wooden trains going through elaborate layouts is occasionally intercut with stirring footage of actual locomotives. This is not really a how-to video (some of what viewers behold just can't be duplicated at home; greenscreen backgrounds and f/x put the trains into tricked-out mountain and waterfront environs), though young engineers—maybe even older ones—should certainly feel inspired to try a few new tricks.
Yes, there are Thomas the Tank Engine-faced trains tackling wintry and Halloween-ish environments, for that niche-within-the-niche child viewership. An "Alphabet Train" brings some early-learning components into the cargo.
For viewers too young for the popular TV-based franchise Tracks Ahead, Marshall Publishing's entry makes a nice introductory Little Video That Could for J shelves. Aud: J.