Billed as “the ultimate field trip,” this program was originally broadcast as part of a Canadian children's television series titled WOW: A World of Wonders, in which the show's webmaster sends intern Cari, an energetic teen, around the world on assignment to collect images and experiences that can be shared on their website. In this episode from the 2008 second season, Cari goes to Peru to learn about Machu Picchu, the lost city of the Incas. With the help of local adults, she discovers its architecture, meets some llamas, and makes music with an indigenous performer. Although the acting is sometimes over the top and the factual information falls a bit short (making the film more appropriate for younger general viewers than for classroom use), the HD footage is beautiful and provides an impressive glimpse of another country. A total of 13 episodes from season one and 12 more episodes from season two are also available, covering other sites in Peru as well as places in Argentina, Australia, India, Italy, Japan, Tunisia, and the United States. Recommended. Aud: E, I, P. (E. Gieschen)
Machu Picchu (Peru)
(2008) 11 min. DVD: $19.99 ($39.99 w/PPR). Visual Education Centre. Volume 25, Issue 1
Machu Picchu (Peru)
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