This iconographic-animated adaptation of Raphaële Frier’s 2017 picture book tells the story of Malala Yousafzai, the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, who at age 17 earned the award for her role as an author, creator of an education foundation, and activist for the education rights of youngsters. Born in Mingora, Pakistan, in 1997, young Malala soon recognized that under Taliban rule women were treated differently than men. At age 11, she began speaking out about the fact that girls were not allowed to attend school. Eventually, the Taliban closed all schools, eliciting more outrage from Malala. Slight animation (waving arms, blinking eyes, rolling bus wheels) of Aurélia Fronty’s colorfully expressive illustrations help viewers grasp Malala’s activism, courage, and dedication, while Caroline H. McLaughlin’s smooth narration of the text is comforting (an assassination attempt on Yousafzai and family death threats are handled sensitively). Background sound effects and soothing piano and violin music add atmosphere to this profile that ends with a recap of Malala’s achievements, complete with a photograph of the young hero and information on how youngsters can search the Internet to find out more about her life and continuing mission. Also featuring a read-along option, this is recommended. Aud: E, I, P. (S. Beauregard)
(2019) 20 min. DVD: $38.99. Dreamscape Media. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 978-1-97492-587-2. Volume 34, Issue 3
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