This profoundly moving animated adaptation of J.R. Ackerley's memoir recalls the elderly misanthropic Brit's “happiest” years—those spent with an adopted German Shepherd. As Ackerley (effectively voiced by Christopher Plummer) states, “She entered my life and entirely transformed it. She offered me constant, simple-hearted, uncritical devotion, which is in the nature of dogs to offer.” Although this is an animated feature about a man and his pet, adults are more likely than children to appreciate it, given its talkiness and deliberate pacing (even scenes dwelling on Tulip's bodily functions tend to be more clinical than comical). But it will certainly unleash a torrent of emotions as the solitary Ackerley bonds with the unwanted and abused creature whose spirit he restores. The stylized, hand-drawn animation of filmmakers Paul and Sandra Fierlinger is wonderful to behold. Other voice-cast members include Lynn Redgrave (in her final role) as Ackerley's imperious sister and Isabella Rossellini as a supportive vet. In its artistry and depth of feeling, My Dog Tulip is a breed apart. Highly recommended. (D. Liebenson)
My Dog Tulip
New Yorker, 82 min., not rated, DVD: $29.95, July 12 Volume 26, Issue 4
My Dog Tulip
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