Narrated by Adriana Sananes, this iconographic-animated adaptation of writer-illustrator Yuri Morales' 2013 picture book is set in the extreme and colorful world of “lucha libre” masked wrestling. Nino Wrestles the World finds the titular young boy imagining himself as a strongman—er, strongboy—with mad talents that allow him to take on competitors including a mummy, a “cabeza olmeca” that he bests with a skull-cracking move, “el extraterrestre” (foiled by marbles), and other colorful characters (with added old school Batman-styled exclamations like “POW!”). However, the tighty-whitie-clad youngster is not a match for a certain tag team of opponents: his bothersome hermanitas! Featuring a Spanish-themed soundtrack, extras include read-along subtitles and bonus segments on Nino's foes and the sport's popularity south of the border. Recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Nino Wrestles the World
(2015) 10 min. DVD: $38.99. Dreamscape Media. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 978-1-63379-844-1. Volume 31, Issue 1
Nino Wrestles the World
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