Created by Dan Yaccarino, this Nick Jr.-aired series revolves around the adventures of a friendly octopus named Oswald, who lives in Big City with a dachshund named Weenie. Leading off this four-episode compilation is “Odd One Out,” a tale that finds a troubled Oswald worrying about being left out when his best friend Henry's (a penguin) cousin comes to visit. In “Goodbye Best Friend,” Henry considers returning home with his cousin to the Frozen North and the arctic weather, but ultimately decides to stay with his Big City buddies. "Friends Indeed” finds Oswald frustrated about being thrust into the center of a spat between Henry and Daisy (a flower), while in “Sammy Starfish Live,” Oswald winds up without a ticket when he gathers the gang to go see his favorite performer, but gets the surprise of his dreams when a good deed lands him onstage! Featuring silly predicaments, bright and fanciful animation, nicely integrated guidance (about topics as diverse as crossing the street or asking to borrow something) and the voice talents of Fred Savage (The Wonder Years)--who personifies sweet Oswald perfectly--David L. Lander (Squiggy from Laverne & Shirley), and Laraine Newman, this terrific children's program is highly recommended. Also available: Oswald: Welcome to Big City on DVD for $19.99, which includes Best Buddies and Outdoors with Oswald (also available separately on VHS for $12.95). Aud: K, P. (J. Williams)
Oswald: Best Buddies
(2003) 50 min. VHS: $12.95. Paramount Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-7921-9217-6. October 20, 2003
Oswald: Best Buddies
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