Five intrepid dogs, aided by their squirrel assistants and a couple of ambitious puppies, help lonely canines find owners in this animated show based on the popular toy line. The pups—Lucky, Squirt, Cookie, Strudel, and Niblet—operate from an elaborate bunker underneath Shelter 17, the pound they call home. Other series regulars include hapless manager Leonard; his wealthy mother, Agatha (enthusiastically voiced by Betty White); her pampered puppy, Rebound; and patient caretaker Olaf. The five episodes in this set include the team's run-in with a doggy jewel thief out to snatch Agatha's treasures, Cookie's maternal attachment to a young candidate for adoption, and Rebound's initiation into a secret society of rogue pooches. Simple, hand-drawn animation and a pastel color scheme give the show a cheerful, retro look. The cuteness factor is somewhat offset with irreverent jokes (some more likely to appeal to adult viewers) and a set-up reminiscent of Hogan's Heroes and The Great Escape. Recommended. Aud: P. (K. Cruver)
Pound Puppies: Super Secret Pup Club
(2012) 120 min. DVD: $12.99. Shout! Factory (avail. from most distributors). Volume 28, Issue 1
Pound Puppies: Super Secret Pup Club
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