Winner of four Emmy Awards, this animated holiday short from executive producer John Lasseter is based on a story by Chris Williams. High-tech Santa assistant elf Wayne—alias “Little Drummer Boy”—lives by the credo “Get in, get out, never be noticed,” but after he's passed over for a promotion, Wayne starts to feel a little bitter. While his overeager new partner Lanny is diligent at his job, Wayne slacks off during their first Christmas Eve mission together. When young Timmy wakes up and discovers the elves, the whole operation is jeopardized, and the duo must pull out all the stops to ensure a safe and secure landing for Santa. Featuring the voices of Dave Foley, Sarah Chalke, and David DeLuise, DVD extras include bonus shorts, a trio of “elf training” videos, a North Pole “newsreel,” and North Pole commercials. Recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Prep & Landing
(2010) 22 min. DVD: $19.99. </span>Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Closed captioned. January 2, 2012
Prep & Landing
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