Aired on the Cartoon Network (and originally created as an America Online webisode series), this animated compilation follows the exciting escapades of the titular royal, a monarch of the fictional European country of Zoravia, who poses as an Illinois exchange student in order to stop her dastardly vice-principal/transplanted uncle from plotting to take over her dad's throne back home. Sound confusing? No problem: each roughly six-minute segment recaps the situation to bring new viewers up-to-date, and the tech savvy Natasha (equipped with a bevy of super-cool spy-gear) follows updates from Zoravia while keeping a close watch on evil Uncle Lubek (who left the country before his undercover niece was born, so he doesn't recognize her). Along with her bespectacled sidekick Oleg, Natasha thwarts Lubek's continuous schemes (including using a climate control machine to alter the home country's prized Boofer fruit crop), and still has time for a few ‘tween-friendly subplots including dealing with pimples and crushing on her host family's cute son. Rapid-fire and engaging, this compilation—including DVD extras such as a never-before-seen episode, bloopers, and DVD-ROM features—is recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Princess Natasha: Season One
(2006) 72 min. DVD: $14.98. Anchor Bay Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Volume 21, Issue 5
Princess Natasha: Season One
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