British scientist Professor Crunch (James Meehan) and his quirky crew of alien puppet pals are introduced in “Meet the Daffies,” the first of two episodes compiled here. Flanked by puppet sidekick Urchin and human teaching assistant Chloe (Carla Tassara), the professor kicks things off with a peppy tune about the four dimensions (height, width, depth, time) related to one of his latest projects. When clumsy Urchin messes with a machine the professor has created, all heck breaks loose, and a quartet of wacky creatures appear, calling Professor Crunch “Mama” and asking questions about everything in their new world, which provides a springboard for the introduction of related science vocabulary and concepts. Picking up the next morning with “What's Up in the Sky?” (and answering questions such as “What's a morning? Why is it good?”), the professor explores topics such as the atmosphere, the makeup of the sun, and information about the planets—including a brief explanation about why Pluto no longer qualifies—while the gang prepares for a stargazing picnic. DVD extras include a featurette on the Daffies puppets, interviews with Meehan and Tassara, and outtakes. Combining 12 songs, science facts and vocabulary, and general silliness, this is a strong optional purchase. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Professor Crunch and the Daffies
(2009) 67 min. DVD: $14.95. Ives Street Entertainment (dist. by Instructional Video, t</span>el: 800-228-0164, web: <a href=""></a>). PPR. December 21, 2009
Professor Crunch and the Daffies
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