Featuring illustrations by Sophie Blackall, this iconographic-animated adaptation of the 2002 picture book of the same name tells the true story of author (and narrator) Shirin Yim Bridges' grandmother. Set in 19th-century China in the sprawling home (“five houses wide and seven deep”) of a Gold Rush-rich patriarch who returned to the Far East to provide for his extended—and growing—family, Ruby's Wish follows the tale of young granddaughter Ruby, who loves the color red and works very hard at learning traditional women's homemaker skills. With nearly 100 children running around the compound, however, Gramps hires a teacher, ultimately spurring Ruby's interest in education (which goes beyond that of the other girls, who focus instead on preparing for marriage). Unlike her peers, Ruby asks questions about women's rights (such as why the boys get better festival lanterns and the yolk side of the half-moon cake) and sees wider possibilities for her future. Concluding with a photo of Ruby (one of the first female attendees of a nearby university) all grown up, Ruby's Wish is an engaging story that intertwines themes of history, family, and equality, and is sure to spur discussion. Highly recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Ruby's Wish
(2005) 10 min. VHS or DVD: $49.95. Nutmeg Media. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 0-9761981-8-5 (vhs). Volume 21, Issue 3
Ruby's Wish
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