This compilation of episodes from the titular Nickelodeon animated series for kids centers on Rusty Rivets, a boy inventor with a crew of amusing robots and a gal pal named Ruby, who all work together to solve big problems. The first episode, "Rusty’s Rex Rescue," is a cute story about a child who gets trapped on a tall tower of tires, prompting Rusty and Ruby to build a robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex with a puppyish disposition. After rescuing the youngster in distress, the "Robosaurus" wants to play fetch with enormous machine parts. In "Rusty’s Penguin Problem," a group of penguins intended for a zoo are accidentally delivered to Rusty. Compounding the crisis is the fact that a bridge leading to the zoo is broken on a day that is scorching hot and dangerous for the arctic birds. "Ruby Rocks" finds Rusty’s sidekick battling stage fright before her turn performing at an outdoor festival. And "Rusty Marks the Spot" involves a treasure map and a succession of riddles leading to glittering rewards. While it’s a shame that Ruby is a supporting character and not an equal to Rusty (as a duo, the pair would have been role models for girls and boys alike), the messages about teamwork here are solid. Compiling eight episodes, extras include a bonus episode of PAW Patrol. Recommended. Aud: P. (T. Keogh)
Rusty Rivets
(2016) 97 min. DVD: $14.99. Paramount Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Closed captioned. Volume 33, Issue 5
Rusty Rivets
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