In this entry from the Kids in the Garden series, a delightful 15-volume Australian production, young children are introduced to seeds, defined as the “complete package” a plant needs to come to life. Basic physical descriptions of seeds are offered, but no scientific terms are introduced; instead, energetic host Nick Hardcastle—together with some kid helpers—demonstrates two fun garden-growing projects for tomatoes and tasty sprouts. Boasting high production values and a winning concept—“hands-on horticulture” for kids—other titles in the series feature more interactive fun, from Fruit (make lemonade) to Flowers (how to press flowers) to Fungi (grow mushrooms). Unfortunately, the decision to put each topic on an individual disc will make the series price of $1,400 (for a total of roughly 90 minutes worth of material) prohibitive for many collections. The other titles in the series are: Soil, Leaves, How Plants Work, Plant Survivors, Veggies, Herbs, Creatures, Trees, Useful Plants, Cacti, and Indoor Gardens. Aud: K, E, P. (E. Gieschen)
(2008) 6 min. DVD: $99 (teacher’s guide included). Film Ideas. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 1-57557-953-7. Volume 23, Issue 2
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