Sesame Street, the acclaimed and beloved educational series built around “the most famous street in America, maybe even the world” (in the words of educator and entertainer Bill Cosby), celebrated its 20th anniversary in 1989 with this TV special originally broadcast on network TV. Introduced by Jim Henson and Kermit the Frog and hosted by Cosby, this lively tribute interweaves interviews (the cast talk about their characters in a roundtable discussion), songs, new skits, and classic clips (including the one addressing the death of Mr. Hooper). Also featured are return visits from grown kids who had roles in early segments, as well as appearances by Placido Domingo (in a duet with his Muppet alter-ego Placido Flamingo) and Ray Charles (performing “It's Not Easy Being Green,” the show's signature tune telling kids that it's OK to be different). While many viewers will enjoy this nostalgic trip down memory lane with the Muppets—including Big Bird, Grover, Bert and Ernie, and Oscar the Grouch—there's significant overlap here with the better and more comprehensive two-disc compilation released last year, Sesame Street: 40 Years of Sunny Days (VL Online-12/09). Optional. (S. Axmaker)
Sesame Street: 20 Years …and Still Counting
Lionsgate, 48 min., not rated, DVD: $14.98 September 13, 2010
Sesame Street: 20 Years …and Still Counting
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