A semi-autobiographical story written and directed by Robert Kirbyson, Snowmen revolves around cancer-stricken Billy (Bobby Coleman), a young Colorado schoolboy who decides he wants to accomplish something of worldwide importance before he dies. With his best friends—wimpy but likable Howard (Christian Martyn) and Jamaican transplant Lucas (Bobb'e J. Thompson)—at his side, Billy aims to break a couple Guinness World Records, including building thousands of snowmen with the help of volunteers; but an ongoing war with the school's nastiest bully (Josh Flitter) presents an obstacle to attaining his dream. A chance encounter with a cemetery caretaker (Christopher Lloyd) deepens Billy's perspective on life and death, while Billy's father (Ray Liotta) struggles with the knowledge of his son's illness. Snowmen initially seems peculiarly lightweight considering the heavy subject matter, but eventually develops more moral complexity as it moves toward a powerful climax. A strong optional purchase. (T. Keogh)
Arc, 86 min., PG, DVD: $26.99, Nov. 29 Volume 26, Issue 6
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