Part of a television series produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, Storyteller Café uses 3-D computer animation to adapt Bible stories for children. Vaguely reminiscent of Toy Story (behind a closed bedroom door, toys have a life of their own), the café crew includes Pete the pilot, Gallop the horse, Tina the tutu-wearing elephant, various combat action figure dolls, and several other characters who help teach lessons from the Good Book. In The Rebel, young viewers learn through the story of Jonah that it's not such a good idea to disobey God. After the rescue of one of the toys—who's fallen into an aquarium, where a big hungry fish is waiting for lunch—Pete tells his friends about Jonah's experience with a very big whale. Commanded by God to go to the city of Nineveh to preach to a bunch of mean people, Jonah was afraid and hopped the first ship out of town in the hopes of hiding from God. Before long, a terrible storm brews and the crew—suspecting that Jonah is the cause—toss him overboard, after which he's swallowed by a whale. Jonah is eventually spit out—you guessed it—in the city of Nineveh, where he delivers a message of love and forgiveness to the townsfolk. DVD extras include a “making-of” featurette. Also newly available in the Storyteller Café series is The Battle. Recommended. Aud: P. (N. Plympton)
Storyteller Café: The Rebel
(2007) 30 min. DVD: $9.99. CBN (dist. by Vision Video). Volume 23, Issue 1
Storyteller Café: The Rebel
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