After being purchased at a grocery store, animated condiment Andy Applebutter and box of baking soda Billy Bob are taken to a kitchen, where they learn about getting along with other anthropomorphic food items. In the first segment, Andy Applebutter suffers put-downs and rudeness from Cha-Cha Cola, until he (verbally) stands up to her bullying. In the second segment, Cha-Cha's on the receiving end herself, when her softball teammates snub her after she messes up a play. Presenting character development guidance on bullying, taking turns, working together, and tolerance, the program combines appealing retro-style animation (though it must have been quite a creative challenge to animate armless cans and jars for the softball scenes!) with great voice work and original music. I even found myself referencing the bullying episode when my new-kindergartener son cried about a boy who threatened him on the second day of school. Winner of a 2007 Teachers' Choice Award, among others, this is highly recommended. Editor's Choice. Aud: K, E, P. (R. Reagan)
The Adventures of Andy Applebutter
(2005) 35 min. DVD: $14.99. Spazzmania Entertainment. PPR. Volume 22, Issue 3
The Adventures of Andy Applebutter
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