This well intentioned but amateurish attempt at environmental education chronicles the convoluted adventures of Sam and Nikki, who leave their remote island to thwart a gator-poaching expedition mounted by a puppet named Captain Crab. Their journey takes them to Florida's Gatorland, where they observe a mama gator on her nest, and get a close-up look at the distinguishing characteristics of alligators, before returning to meet up with Captain Crab, who eventually repents. Everyone learns that a) alligators fear and avoid humans unless they are lured to them by food and b) baby gators should remain in the wild and shouldn't be sold as souvenirs. The program looks low-budget: photography and sound are uneven, and the action has a choppy, episodic quality that never lets you settle into the fantasy. While the environmental issues are legitimate, I'd guess that there aren't too many people for whom gator baiting is a biggie. Not recommended. (J. Reed)
The Amazing Voyages of Nikki Piper: An Alligator Tale
(32 min., $14.95 (activity guide included), Tapeworm Video [800-367-8437, <a href=""></a>]) 9/28/98
The Amazing Voyages of Nikki Piper: An Alligator Tale
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