The children's program The Big Comfy Couch, which airs on PBS, revolves around the antics of a young clown named Loonette and her terribly cute doll, Molly. The central prop of the show is the titular couch that's scaled up to make the actor who plays Loonette look like a child. This video presents two episodes from the series, "Picky Eaters" and "Naptime for Molly." In the former, Molly won't eat her vegetables; not surprisingly, given Loonette's choices of squash squares and spinach tarts. By episode's end, however, Loonette has learned to offer her doll a variety of foods that Molly will happily eat. In the second episode, Loonette unsuccessfully tries to coax Molly into taking her nap--counting sheep, even counting winks and blinks, all to no avail...until Storybook Time. A quality, fun, popular program for pre-schoolers, this inexpensive entry is strongly recommended. Aud: K, P. (P. Van Vleck)
The Big Comfy Couch: Picky Eaters/Naptime for Molly
(2000) 54 min. $14.98. Goldhil Video. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 1-58565-514-7. Vol. 15, Issue 6
The Big Comfy Couch: Picky Eaters/Naptime for Molly
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