An animated update and sequel to the 2014 feature The Boxcar Children (an animated revisiting of the original book series launched in 1924), The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island finds the four Alden siblings invited at the end of the school year to spend the summer with their loving grandfather (voiced by Martin Sheen) on a small but imposing island owned by the Alden family. The children quickly take to adventure, turning a barn into an attractive abode, exploring the craggy island, fishing and clamming, and even getting trapped in a cave when the high tide comes in (holy Thai soccer team!). And there’s a mystery involving a young fellow known as “Joe,” who lives and works on the island, and sees to the well-being of the kids. Overall, this is a fine family film, featuring exquisite background visuals and a particularly joyous soundtrack. Recommended. (T. Keogh)
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