Created by Butch Hartman, this spin-off movie from the Emmy-nominated Nickelodeon children's series finds Timmy Turner, the 10-year-old with secret fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda (who rescued him from the tyranny of a crazy babysitter), celebrating a one-year "fairy-versary” along with fanciful party guests, including Santa and the Easter Bunny. Great gifts abound, including a special present from fairy leader Jorgen Von Strangle (a Schwarzeneggar knockoff), who gives Timmy a sparkling, magical muffin with “rule-free” wishing abilities…that is accidentally lost and ends up not in the hands of his screwy teacher Mr. Crocker--a power-hungry, fairy-seeking fanatic--who learns about the muffin, but rather a primate who naively turns the world into a land controlled by ape overlords. Featuring quirky main characters (who manage to save the day despite the bothersome regulations of a fairy rulebook), engaging animation, and humorous, satirical dialogue, this is a solid and sure to be popular kids' flick. DVD extras include audio commentary by Wanda and Cosmo, a storyboard segment, a photo gallery, and three behind-the-scenes spots. Recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams)
The Fairly OddParents!: Abra-Catastrophe!--The Movie
(2003) 72 min. VHS: $12.95, DVD: $19.99. Paramount Home Video (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-7921-9251-6 (vhs), 0-7921-9252-4 (dvd). Volume 18, Issue 5
The Fairly OddParents!: Abra-Catastrophe!--The Movie
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