Hosted by writer-director David Mead, this first volume from The Great Bible Discovery Series for children mixes animation (through prismacolor drawings by Mark Schweizer and Bryan Miller) and live-action to tell classic stories from Scripture. Mead introduces each episode and interjects clever commentary throughout in “Discovering the Beginning” (the story of Creation), “Discovering Dry Land” (the story of Noah's ark), and “Covenant Discovery” (the story of Abraham). Geared for ages 6-12, each of the segments is followed by a short quiz. Vol. 2 (with the stories of Joseph and his brothers, Ruth, and Passover) and Vol. 3 (with the stories of Christmas, Easter, and Jesus' parables) are also newly available. Recommended. Aud: P. (L. Stevens)
The Great Bible Discovery Series, Vol. 1
(2007) 75 min. DVD: $19.99. Creative Communications for the Parish (dist. by Vision Video). Volume 22, Issue 4
The Great Bible Discovery Series, Vol. 1
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