When Miss Joan's class of young dancers listen to a conch shell, they are magically transported from a rather drab dance studio to the “ocean floor” where they find a treasure map and meet several sea creatures (adult dancers with puppets) who guide them along the way, while engaging in a variety of ocean-themed stretches, jumps, and energetic steps. Dancing like a “starfish” involves lots of limb waving, while the hermit crab inspires a sort of mambo, but while the program aims to provide children with creative body movements they can perform along with the video, the result is more akin to watching a dance recital or school play. As the loose storyline advances, the children often end up just sitting and/or watching the adults interact or dance. Those looking for a more structured dance instruction video for children would do better with specific titles, such as Hula for Children! (VL-1/99) or Ballerina, Ballerina! (VL-3/95). Optional. Aud: K, P. (E. Gieschen)
The Hidden Treasure
(2004) 30 min. VHS or DVD: $14.95. Creative Dance Adventures (dist. by Big Kids Productions, <span class=SpellE>tel</span>: 800-477-7811, web: <a href="http://www.bigkidsvideo.com/">www.bigkidsvideo.com</a>). <span class=GramE>PPR.</span> <span class October 4, 2004
The Hidden Treasure
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