An animated feature-length film aimed at children aged 5-11, The Railroad Scout tells the story of a young railroad surveyor nicknamed "Shatterhand" (because he has such a powerful punch) who goes West seeking adventure, and immediately finds it in the form of a dastardly, money-grubbing railroad man in league with an evil, power-hungry Apache who wants to rule his people. To thwart the plot, Shatterhand teams up with the good Apache warrior, Winnetou, to defeat their enemies. Although well-meaning and sporting good animation, the program is plagued by formulaic writing, clichéd characters (the bumbling sidekick, the beautiful Indian maiden, etc.), and a plot that tends to jerk along like an underpowered steam engine trying to get a heavy load in motion. Optional. Aud: P. (S. Fisher)
The Railroad Scout
(2000) 75 min. $19.95. Quality Time Education. PPR. Color cover. Vol. 16, Issue 1
The Railroad Scout
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