Based on Laurie Keller's 2008 picture book, this fully animated adaptation featuring come-to-life versions of the United States begins with New York waking in the middle of the night and saying, “Let's put on a show!” In the ensuing production, many states perform, while others work behind the scenes, and Washington, D.C., is the emcee. Georgia has a severe case of stage fright, but is told to imagine the audience in their underwear. With some geographical facts slipped in among the silly antics, the film is instructive as well as amusing, and features some splendid bits: Wisconsin creates a cheese sculpture of Uncle Sam, while during intermission a long line forms at the “Gals Room” but not at the facility for the Guy states. A riff on the venerable “Who's on first?” routine plays over the credits: “Hawaii, what's your abbreviation?” “HI.” “Ohio, what's yours?” “OH.” “But what's your abbreviation?” and so on, which is sure to make both kids and adults giggle. Narrated by Jon Carroll (who also does the music), David de Vries, Diana Canova, and others, DVD extras include optional read-along subtitles, and an author interview. Highly recommended. Aud: E, I, P. (G.A. DeCandido)
The Scrambled States of America Talent Show
(2009) 20 min. DVD: $59.95 (study guide included). Weston Woods Studios. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-545-19660-4. Volume 25, Issue 4
The Scrambled States of America Talent Show
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