Featuring the voice of Jonathan Crombie (Anne's longtime love Gilbert Blythe in Kevin Sullivan's Anne of Green Gables adaptations) as main character Benjamin, this Canadian animated series follows the escapades of lifelike teddy bears Benjamin and friend Howie, who spend much of their time keeping tabs on their young owners—brother and sister Max and Eliza—in this three-episode pet-themed compilation. In “Harry Hamster,” Max's class pet makes life difficult for Ben and Howie, who must enter the titular “secret world” of passageways (connecting the bears to a whimsical, clandestine network of other toy bears) to retrieve the lost pet, although the conclusion focuses on Max's solid display of responsible behavior by asking his parents for help. Following a secret world honey shake-drinking contest, Ben and Howie are accosted by a mean dog that later comes in handy as a distraction for a bully who steals Max's lunches in “Best Friends.” Finally, in “Cargo Cat,” the stuffed duo strive to retrieve family cat Patches, who mistakenly ends up on a courier company truck. Geared towards youngsters three and up, this unexceptional but good-natured series offering gentle child guidance lessons is a strong optional purchase. Other titles in the series include Big Adventures, Lessons to Learn, and Many Mysteries. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear: Having Fun with Pets
(2003) 33 min. DVD: $12.98. Genius Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. July 10, 2006
The Secret World of Benjamin Bear: Having Fun with Pets
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