Narrated by author/illustrator Barbara Reid, this iconographic-animated adaptation of the acclaimed 2003 picture book follows the escapades of a curious mouse named Nib, who lives with his large extended family beneath the subway tracks. Nib dislikes the noise and dull grey of his underworld realm, and being a great scavenger, he uses his collected treasures—discarded by subway riders, and called “garbage” by other mice—to create a colorful hideout that is unfortunately trashed by his cousin and friends. Fed up, Nib sets off on a perilous journey toward the cool breezes of a mysterious place the older mice call “Tunnel's End,” facing numerous obstacles with a mouse named Lola he meets along the way. Featuring a bouncy soundtrack, this beautiful looking children's film (Reid's illustrations are made from photographing shaped plasticine decorated with eye-catching real items such as feathers and candy wrappers) is definitely recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
The Subway Mouse
(2006) 8 min. VHS or DVD: $49.95. Nutmeg Media. PPR. Closed captioned. Volume 22, Issue 1
The Subway Mouse
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