Co-authored by the inimitable Julie Andrews and her daughter Emma Walton Hamilton, this animated short is based on the titular 2010 picture book, from the duo's series with illustrator Christine Davenier. Young narrator Alison Cordaro voices Geraldine, a little girl who wears wings and a crown and has a “sparkly feeling of just knowing in my heart” that she's a fairy princess. Following the creative and confident Geraldine through a typical school day, The Very Fairy Princess finds our heroine overturning preconceived notions about princesses (sliding down the banister is a must; scabby knees, dirty fingernails, and sneakers are normal), and drawing eye-rolling amused looks from her brother, best friend, etc. After her ballet class (and a pink lemonade and sugar cookie snack), Geraldine attends to her royal duties (building tiny garden houses for fellow fairies) and looks forward to Daddy coming home—the one person who truly understands that she's a princess. Featuring engaging music by Scotty Huff, a read-along option, and a featurette with the authors (who have written more than two dozen books together), this is recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
The Very Fairy Princess
(2014) 9 min. DVD: $59.95 (study guide included). Weston Woods Studios. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 978-0-545-69505-3. Volume 30, Issue 3
The Very Fairy Princess
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