Kenneth Grahame's literary classic is brought to life in this enchanting stop-motion animated feature from Cosgrove Hall Productions, the British studio best known for the wacky series' Danger Mouse and Count Duckula. Combining wonderfully intricate animated figures, especially the bespectacled Mole and the auto-obsessed Toad, together with vocal performances by such British reliables as Michael Hordern, Beryl Reid, and David Jason, this 1983 film follows four forest-dwelling friends who embark on unlikely adventures, and is so faithful to the source text that it's difficult to imagine the film's fey humor and leisurely pacing being embraced by American kids weaned on rapid-fire slam-bang animation. In fact, Grahame's beloved tale serves up a light satire on Edwardian England and its rigid class structure, making this as much a tale for grownups. While some of it may seem a bit insensitive to contemporary ears (especially the Weasels and Stoats, whose lower-class existence is spiced by giving them Cockney accents), Anglophiles who cherish the book will find this to be playful yet sophisticated entertainment that is intelligent without being snobbish, urbane without turning pretentious, and stylish without sacrificing substance. DVD extras include an interview with producer Brian Cosgrove and a trivia game. Highly recommended. Editor's Choice. (P. Hall)
The Wind in the Willows
A&E, 79 min., not rated, DVD: $19.95 Volume 20, Issue 1
The Wind in the Willows
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