A buoyant computer-animated movie based on the popular Playhouse Disney series, Tigger & Pooh and a Musical Too features seven original songs and new characters, such as spunky six-year-old girl Darby (who has taken over the human role usually filled by Pooh's pal Christopher Robin). Here, the Hundred Acre Wood gang is gathering together for a fun picnic, organized by everybody's favorite obsessive-compulsive lagomorph, Rabbit. When the others decide that Rabbit's awesome managerial skills suggest he would make a great mayor, Rabbit pushes things to the extreme and starts posting decrees like he's Harry Potter's Professor Umbridge (on steroids), such as telling Pooh not to look for honey, but instead…eat carrots? Preposterous! Not surprisingly, the creatures tire of Rabbit's rules, and when Tigger decides to break away and create his own jurisdiction, the whole forest is literally divided by a painted line (that unfortunately goes right through timid Piglet's home). Thankfully, reason, compromise, and cooperation eventually win out. DVD extras include a sing-along option, a “Think Think Think Theatre” game, and a Kenny Loggins music video for “Underneath the Same Sky.” A mildly entertaining tale that feels like an extended episode of the TV show, this is a strong optional purchase. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Tigger & Pooh and a Musical Too
(2009) 60 min. DVD: $26.99. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). ISBN: 0-7888-8548-0. August 17, 2009
Tigger & Pooh and a Musical Too
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