This computer-animated children's program follows newly moved-in siblings Evan and Clarissa on an average day in the run-of-the-mill town of Northpoint. Offering lessons about personal hygiene and obeying parents, this episode finds the gang--which includes wacky George, tomboy Annie, and brainiac Bix--brushing their teeth and being silly in front of their bathroom mirrors before going out to play tag, hide-and-go-seek, and leapfrog; later, the fivesome relax, envisaging objects in clouds and spinning a fanciful tale about a feudal Japanese emperor who frets as his evil son tries to get rid of his virtuous brother. Using their imaginations, the Northpoint crew dream up a paisley print dragon, a multimillion-dollar bubble bath empire, and a solid gold blender (source of a running joke) to add to the story. The program also includes various solid behavioral cues about washing up, swimming with adult supervision, not opening the door to strangers, etc. Creative, overall, this initial episode in the series is recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams)
Welcome to Northpoint: Shape Masters
(2003) 27 min. VHS: $12.95, DVD: $16.95. Fort Fun Productions (avail. from most distributors). PPR. Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-9740768-0-5 (dvd). Volume 19, Issue 1
Welcome to Northpoint: Shape Masters
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