Cashing in on the fruits of the Hanna-Barbera franchise, this spin-off animated series follows quirky canine hero Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Daphne, and the rest of the Mystery, Inc. teen detective crew as they gear up for freaky adventures in this four-episode compilation. Kicking off the set is “It's Mean, It's Green, It's the Mystery Machine,” in which the gang's van seems possessed, what with the eerie green glow, no visible driver, and the fact that it tries to run them over! Details become clearer as the team discovers the van used to be the tour bus for an Osmond-like sibling duo--with an overbearing mother and tech-smart brother, but the culprit isn't exposed until Daphne's revealing séance. Also included are “Roller Ghoster Ride” (Shaggy wins a “Design Your Own Roller Coaster” contest, yielding the thrill ride/buffet “All You Can Hurl”), “Riva Ras Regas” (a radio contest leads to a trip to Las Vegas, backstage concert passes, and a magic show mystery), and the titular episode “Safari, So Goodi!”, in which the gang heads to Africa for a video safari, but finds that jungle creatures have been vanishing, leaving shape-shifting, holographic, demonic animals in their place! Corny as ever--but sporting mysteries still just as hard to figure out (however nonsensical)--and packed with the same ol' slapstick (with contemporary nods to infomercials, webcams, CD-burning, etc.), this program should be worth at least a couple of Scooby Snax. DVD extras include a “Learn the Lingo” slang segment, and “Road Trip” facts. Recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams)
What's New Scooby-Doo? Volume 2: Safari, So Goodi!
(2004) 85 min. DVD: $19.98. Warner Home Video (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 1-5603-9875-2 (dvd). May 3, 2004
What's New Scooby-Doo? Volume 2: Safari, So Goodi!
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