Animation guru Michael Sporn allows an audience to safely relive a cruel and terrible incident (based on actual events) involving a little black girl who was attacked by a gang of white thugs and painted with white shoe polish. The animated program (featuring the voices of Ruby Dee and Serena Henry) follows the effect this horrible event had on the young child Helene Angel, her family, and her 4th grade classmates (who rallied together in a surprising and beautiful way). A thought provoking and inspirational reminder to children (and adults) that bigotry and racial injustice are ugly and shameful aspects of humanity which we as a global community should continue to work toward eradicating. An excellent discussion starter for grade school classrooms, this is highly recommended. Aud: E, I, J, P. (N. Plympton)
(First Run Features, 25 min., $14.95) Vol. 13, Issue 3
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