This computer-animated compilation of three episodes produced by the National Wildlife Federation is based on the cartoon characters from the organization's Wild Animal Baby nature magazine, designed for young children. The titular “Bath Time” finds the gang—including Izzy the owl, Benita the beaver, Sammy the skunk, and Skip the bunny—learning the importance of keeping clean while engaging in a hot air balloon adventure that features clips of real animals, such as elephants, hyenas, rhinos, birds, and zebras. Along the way, the group learns additional information from salamander Miss Sally (including the fact that even though some animals roll around in the dust, they are still “cleaning” by removing bugs), winding up with a recap of the bathing techniques featured, followed by a segment on real-life kids making their own beaver-style dams. Also featuring “Mighty Oak” (which uses nature footage to show how animals depend on trees) and “Fly Away Home” (on seasonal migration by animals such as geese, elk, and butterflies), this engaging series offers a solid mix of animation and music while delivering interesting wildlife facts. Other titles in the series include: Beetle Mania & Other Stories, Hide and Seek & Other Stories, and Pocket Protectors & Other Stories. Recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Wild Animal Baby Explorers: Bath Time & Other Stories
(2010) 45 min. DVD: $9.99. TOPICS Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). ISBN: 978-1-60077-832-2. Volume 26, Issue 4
Wild Animal Baby Explorers: Bath Time & Other Stories
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