Aired on Nick Jr., this breakout preschool series follows the animated/live-action adventures of the Wonder Pets team, three talking, singing classroom animals who don capes and come to the aid of other young creatures in need. In the title episode, Linny (a guinea pig), Tuck (a turtle), and Ming-Ming (a duck) find themselves in trouble--stuck inside a whale--and are rescued by a variety of underwater friends who are big fans of the trio's work. “Save the Sea Lions/Save the Kangaroo” features the Wonder Pets caped trio in two stories: one about sibling sea lions fighting over fish in Alaska, and the other revolving around an Australian baby kangaroo searching for his mother (and featuring a celery “on the barbie” snack happy ending!). Also including “Save the Caterpillar/Save the Crane” and “Save the Hedgehog/Save the Crocodile,” this series is a real standout due to its “mini-operetta” format: the Wonder Pets croon while saving wildlife, backed by Tony Award-winning or nominated Broadway composers, a Grammy-winning music producer, and a live orchestra. Serving up solid lessons about teamwork, persistence, and problem-solving make Save the Wonder Pets! a real winner. DVD extras include a photo gallery. Highly recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Wonder Pets! Save the Wonder Pets!
(2007) 97 min. DVD: $16.99. Paramount Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Closed captioned. ISBN: 1-4157-3059-8. July 23, 2007
Wonder Pets! Save the Wonder Pets!
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