This four-episode set from the popular Nickelodeon series combines catchy music, footage of real-life kids, and animation, all tied together through a running theme introduced by host DJ Lance Rock (Lance Robertson) and his team of five (costumed) cartoon character toys. The title episode “Doctor” finds blue Toodee sneezing and coughing. Touting the importance of napping and liquids to get well, the song-filled episode includes “Biz's Beat of the Day” (featuring rapper Biz Markie), as well as a tune about healthy food from indie rock group “of Montreal,” and a child-narrated “Storytime” tale …not to mention a visit from “doctor” guest star Anthony Bourdain. Also including “Clean,” “Car,” and “Teeth” (about red character Muno's loss of baby teeth and the coolness of brushing, with segments featuring Devo cofounder Mark Mothersbaugh and Amy Sedaris as a glittery Tooth Fairy), this winning compilation combining important life skills lessons, high-profile guests, and memorable music is highly recommended. Aud: K, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Yo Gabba Gabba! Let's Visit the Doctor!
(2011) 96 min. DVD: $16.99. Paramount Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Closed captioned. ISBN: 1-4157-5684-8. Volume 26, Issue 2
Yo Gabba Gabba! Let's Visit the Doctor!
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