In this mixed live-action and CGI-animated feature based on the old cartoon TV series, fast-talking Yogi Bear (voiced by Dan Aykroyd) intervenes when his beloved Jellystone Park is threatened by evil Mayor Brown (Andrew Daly). Unfortunately, Yogi's catastrophic stunts—abetted by his loyal but perpetually reluctant sidekick, Boo Boo (Justin Timberlake)—wreck the more reasonable plans of milquetoast Ranger Smith (Tom Cavanagh) and scientist/love interest Rachel (Anna Faris). Also on hand are the mayor's toady chief of staff (Nathan Corddry) and Smith's deputy (T.J. Miller), a doofus who wants the chief ranger's job and will collude with Brown in order to get it. The shenanigans of Yogi and Boo Boo serve up slapstick action reminiscent of the original show—which will pass muster with undemanding tykes—but director Eric Brevig devotes much of the running time here to drearily unfunny stuff involving the humans. The technical pizzazz is wasted in the service of a script so witless and unimaginative that even the most nostalgic baby boomer will be bored. Yogi may still contend that he's smarter than the average bear, but his movie is awfully dumb. Not recommended. [Note: DVD/Blu-ray extras include “a Yogi Bear Mashup” montage (4 min.), brief “Jellystone Park Jewels” tips from Ranger Jones (T.J. Miller), and trailers. Exclusive to the Blu-ray release are the “Spending a Day at Jellystone Park” interactive map with various behind-the-scenes featurettes (37 min.), a “Rabid Rider” new Looney Tunes cartoon (3 min.), an “Are You Smarter Than the Average Bear?” interactive challenge, and bonus DVD and digital copies of the film. Bottom line: a decent extras package for a disappointing film.] (F. Swietek)
Yogi Bear
Warner, 80 min., PG, DVD: $28.99, Blu-ray: $35.99, Mar. 22 March 13, 2011
Yogi Bear
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