Released in theaters in 2009 as a 3D anime feature, Yona Yona Penguin centers on a feisty little girl named Coco who wears a coat with its sleeves sewn up, resembling penguin wings. Refusing to take guff from other kids who tease her about penguins being flightless, Coco is noticed for her spunk and resemblance to a penguin. And she seems to match a prediction that such a bird will prove to be a brave heroine who will defeat the evil Bukka-boo and his army of demons. With an assist from some new friends—including a goblin and an angel—Coco is ready to try the impossible. With bright and pleasing visuals and a host of likable allies, this should appeal to kids, who will love seeing one of their own take on the baddies. Presented in a dual-language Blu-ray edition, rated TV-G, this is recommended. (T. Keogh)
Yona Yona Penguin
(2009) 85 min. Blu-ray: $29.99. Maiden Japan (avail. from most distributors). Volume 33, Issue 5
Yona Yona Penguin
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