At this moment in history, the threat of pollution cannot be ignored. One of the most staggering examples of this is plastic waste. We constantly see plastic garbage washing up ashore on various beaches and endangering the lives of ocean life across the world. Deia Schlosberg’s The Story of Plastic examines where all this refuse comes from.
The film is a truly immense project, as it takes viewers to places including the Philippines, Texas, India, California, China, and various others around the globe. One key thing the film illuminates is the flawed idea of recycling. While a good method to use for glass and metals, recycling plastic is often futile, as the material usually degrade when recycled. The film does a good job not detailing the dangers of plastic refuse washing ashore, but how all this garbage came to be.
It also discusses the ways things can change. Mainly, individual efforts, while goodhearted, can only do so much. Most of the plastic is derived from fossil fuels, so the major corporations excavating for these fuels (Exxon, Dow, Shell, etc.) are the ones who have the most responsibility to change. One claim the film makes is that we as humans don’t even need all these plastic products they’re making. The film is a sobering look and may make viewers even question their own use of plastic products. It’s a truly eye-opening spectacle.
Included in our list of Best Documentaries 2021.