A mystery-horror film by Cassandra Bryson, Fisher underscores the consequences of catfishing, or the deceptive online practice of creating a fake persona to lure others for money, gifts, or to compromise a victim.
In Fisher, high school student Clara Banks (Lilly Leann Wright) uses the false identity “Jezebelreigns” and the social media service “Blabmail” to catfish for men. Considering it a game, Clara downloads sexy photos from the internet and uses these pictures from her folder to get men to give her gifts; she asks for e-cards rather than providing her mailing address to avoid receiving gifts at her home. Clara feels safe as she does not use pictures of herself, but pictures of other scantily clad women she pretends are her. Even Clara’s soon-to-be ex-boyfriend is unaware of Clara’s secret activities.
Several days preceding Halloween, Betty (Jessie Bell)—IT expert, preacher’s wife, and counselor—asks Clara if she will help with “Trunk or Treat." In Eden, Tennessee, Betty considers it safer for everyone to trick or treat at one community site; here all the townsfolk park their cars at a central location with their trunks open full of sweets, and the trick or treaters go from car to car. Clara enlists her friends Deja (Nasir) and Kimmy (MIA Nichols) to make signs and posters. Betty recruits her overly religious son Jacob (Zachary Rodriguez-Gardner) to help and forces Micah (Alexander Chastain), who just hacked into the school’s grading system, to do service in lieu of punishment.
Meanwhile, several murders take place in the small town of Eden, and Clara begins to be stalked. She receives threatening notes, dead animals are left on her doorstep and in her car, and serious attempts are made to harm her. Several students come under suspicion: Chad, the ex-boyfriend, Micah, and Jacob. More twists and turns add Betty’s name to the list. Receiving the wrong prescription at the pharmacy, Betty begins to have hallucinations. When she discovers the “Blabmail” account on the family computer, and someone named “Skydaddy” is communicating with “Jezebel," Betty is convinced her husband is “Skydaddy” and is secretly communicating with a woman.
Dealing with a relevant topic on the perils of catfishing, Fisher delivers a story with thrills and a cautionary message, and Lilly Leann Wright delivers a convincing performance as Clara. Recommended. Aud: H, C, P.