That’s The Idea, Man! immerses audiences into the eccentric world of amateur inventor Gary Grossmont (Chris Hasenauer). In this documentary-style comedy, a filmmaker (Sean Mansfield), fueled by childhood admiration, sets out to find out more about the man he used to see on the covers of technology magazines.
However, Gary turns out to be a chaotic, accident-prone individual. His latest endeavor involves crafting the ultimate exercise machine, promising to engage all muscles in a natural motion. The contraption, though, proves far from natural, resulting in yet another rejected patent.
As the filmmaker delves into Gary's life, he sits down with significant people, such as Gary's mother (Mary Ann Reisdorf), fellow inventor Vance Lockbarrel (Andy Rich), magazine editor Tom (Vincenzo L. McNeill), and Gary's wife (Lauren MacDonough). Through their candid accounts, Gary, far from being the genius he claims, is portrayed as a builder of hazardous and impractical machines. Concerns about his safety arise among those close to him, causing the filmmaker to question whether Gary is truly the man he initially believed him to be.
While That’s The Idea, Man! may not have audiences rolling on the floor with laughter, it manages to elicit chuckles throughout. It's the kind of movie that doesn't go for over-the-top gags but instead delivers a steady stream of amusing situations. It’s a nice choice for anyone who enjoys a fun and lighthearted watch.
What kind of film collection would this title be suitable for?
That’s The Idea, Man! is a great fit for a comedy collection, as well as a collection targeting families, providing an entertaining option for viewers of all ages. It could also find its home in a collection centered around technology and innovation, contributing a comedic perspective on the challenges faced by inventors, and their quirks.
What are some examples of ways this film can be used in a Public Performance setting?
That’s The Idea, Man! is an excellent choice for community events and outdoor screenings, bringing people together for a lighthearted and enjoyable film experience.