Among the most beloved sci-fi movies of the 1950s (and deservedly so), This Island Earth isn't the usual atomic-age story built around interplanetary invaders or giant insects. Here, the plot derives from the frantic efforts of human-looking aliens from Metaluna to develop new sources of atomic energy for their imperiled planet. To this end, Earth's finest scientists are recruited by a Metalunan named Exeter (Jeff Morrow), who ultimately transports Drs. Cal Meacham (Rex Reason) and Rita Adams (Faith Domergue) to his dying world. The special effects sequences—which include Exeter's rocket ship being buffeted by meteors while en route to Metaluna—are primitive compared to today's CGI work, and the makeup designed for a half-human, half-insect mutant is positively laughable in comparison to contemporary sophisticated latex applications. Despite Joseph Newman's relatively sober direction of a script faithfully adapted from Raymond F. Jones' pulp novel, This Island Earth will strike some of today's viewers as hopelessly cornball, and the oft-reproduced scenes of statuesque Domergue being menaced by the Metaluna mutant have become part of camp iconography. But at the time of its theatrical release in 1955, this film was considered less sensational and more forward-looking than most of its contemporaries, and it retains a cherished spot in the hearts of sci-fi enthusiasts. Unfortunately, the transfer is so-so at best (and is presented in a 1:33:1 aspect ratio as opposed to the correct 2:1), and the disc is extra-less beyond a trailer. Optional. (E. Hulse)
This Island Earth
Universal, 86 min., not rated, DVD: $14.98 Volume 21, Issue 6
This Island Earth
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