Former MTV star Tom Green (who jokes that his career is “going well,” given his Internet series—which he shoots in his living room) has lost nothing of his talent for pointed observations that offer a wacky perspective on life. Doing his first-ever standup stage act, Green shares his thoughts about the modern world of technology and our easy access to whatever we want. Green says that Facebook is no place for married couples and advocates a return to one-phone landlines in our homes: that way a spouse knows when his or her partner is talking with another lover. He also notes that “we all go online to post pictures of our stuff. We're a generation of Peeping Toms.” Green decries texting, advising that we all start bringing a book to whip out when a distracted friend starts thumbing keys in front of us. (“Texting is going to make our limbs shrink, and all we'll have are blobby thumbs,” he says.). Green also does a bit of reminiscing, saying that he grew up on a Canadian army base, where tanks were actually old Volkswagens with single missiles welded on top (he also recalls his childhood fear of the Cold War Russians, and early understanding that getting under a wooden desk for protection from a nuclear blast made no sense). Green also advocates for legalizing drugs, which would reduce the population through overdoses and—in our depressed economy—open up the job market for the rest of us. The Boston audience here clearly appreciates Green's humor, as will his fans. DVD extras include a featurette on the history of The Tom Green Show. Recommended. Aud: P. (T. Keogh)
Tom Green Live
(2012) 54 min. DVD: $14.98. Image Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). June 17, 2013
Tom Green Live
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