In this exceptional, thought-provoking AMC series (which rivals any other being shown on HBO or Showtime), financially overextended high-school chemistry teacher Walter White (Emmy winner Bryan Cranston) learns that he has terminal lung cancer. Fearing for the fiscal stability of his pregnant wife Skyler (Anna Gunn) and disabled son Walter Jr. (R.J. Mitte), White applies his advanced knowledge of chemistry to the production of crystal methamphetamine and then partners with a former slacker student (Aaron Paul) to sell high-quality product. What was meant to be a one-shot operation designed to achieve maximum return on minimum investment becomes infinitely more complicated after a major drug dealer gets wind of White's setup and tries to muscle into the action. Before long, the DEA—where White's brother-in-law works—is determined to ferret out the supplier of this new high-grade meth. Series creator Vince Gilligan (a writer and producer of The X Files, as well as the recent Will Smith superhero movie Hancock) creates in White a complex character with whom viewers can at least empathize: Walter isn't a sociopathic career criminal, but rather an average guy confronting imminent mortality who is trying to provide for the family he dearly loves. Breaking Bad derives its power from watching White continue on his dangerous mission, gradually forced to surrender his principles, one by one. Given today's dismal economic climate, in which millions are one paycheck away from a financial meltdown, Breaking Bad carries special resonance. Featuring all seven episodes from the 2008 first season, DVD extras include audio commentaries, a “making-of” featurette, an interview with cast and crew, deleted scenes, screen tests, a photo gallery, and more. Highly recommended. (E. Hulse)
Breaking Bad: The Complete First Season
Sony, 3 discs, 346 min., not rated, DVD: $39.95 Volume 24, Issue 3
Breaking Bad: The Complete First Season
Star Ratings
As of March 2022, Video Librarian has changed from a four-star rating system to a five-star one. This change allows our reviewers to have a wider range of critical viewpoints, as well as to synchronize with Google’s rating structure. This change affects all reviews from March 2022 onwards. All reviews from before this period will still retain their original rating. Future film submissions will be considered our new 1-5 star criteria.
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