Film Ideas, located in Wheeling, IL has been serving the non-theatrical markets for over 30 years. At one time, you might have thought you knew what we offered and for which market... that was then. Film Ideas, Inc. has awesome content for just about everyone and that's the way we like it. We've always hated to be pigeonholed (and still do). Just when you think you know who and what we are, we'll surprise you again.
Film Ideas has always, still does, and forever will, go the extra mile. We'll do everything we can to make you happy. We'll put the whole office in a panic to take care of a problem and we'll go into overdrive to anticipate problems so they never surface. Why we still answer our own phones. Go ahead and speak, we really are on the line. Our excellent staff "gets it", and is ready to help.
Film Ideas is more than a company name, it's a concept. It's what makes us different. Yes, we acquire product, but we also produce our own, putting a unique spin on the "film idea" from conceptualization to the final delivered program. You never need to worry, they're ethnically balanced, politically correct, curriculum oriented (when warranted) and age appropriate. When we say our programs are "chaptered", we don't mean they're just "clips". They really are chaptered.
Film Ideas programs are enlightening, engaging and entertaining. And we'll deliver them most any way you want - as an interactive DVD, in your choice of digital file formats or mastered for broadcast. You get something of everything with a Film Ideas title. Give us a try!