Seattle IANDS (Seattle International Association for Near-Death Studies) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity operating under the guidance of an all-volunteer Board of Directors.
We are the oldest support group associated with the International Association for Near-Death Studies. We have been meeting monthly since June 1982. We gather to hear near-death experiencers (NDErs) share their stories. Every year at our December meeting we feature a lecture and book signing by a celebrated author. More information is on the "Meeting" page.
Seattle IANDS began when a few NDErs gathered to not only share their experiences, but also help each other cope with their expanded senses of reality. Today our attendees consist of NDEers, hospice and healthcare workers, and others interested in the near-death experience.
We usually have a "bookstore" at the meetings with titles related to the near-death experience and related spiritual experiences. We sell "Transcending the Limits," which is a DVD made from the video tape recording of the 1991 IANDS regional conference held in Seattle. Attendees are able to purchase CDs of NDEr stories recorded at some of our meetings for $5 per CD.
We also have a free spiritual book exchange. Bring a book, take a book!
Additionally, we publish NDE newsletters every two months with an account of at least one near-death experience and related information. These NDE newsletter subscriptions are distributed across the United States.