Waterfront Soundings Productions' Maria Brooks currently lives in Oakland, California, not far from the docks. This one-time high school teacher has produced, written and directed historical documentaries appearing on PBS stations around the country. Her programs often focus on maritime themes. These documentaries capture characters in conflict, responding to events beyond their control. The filmmaker is particulary drawn to true life stories unknown to most tv audiences. Her films depict individuals driven by inner turmoil to face challenges – but they don’t always succeed. She has given her audiences a myriad of tales from one of a haunted black sea captain in the Arctic posing as white - to stories of bedraggled sailors on a doomed convoy on the Murmansk Run in WWII. There’s even a tale of an old Eskimo woman fighting to save her reindeer herd from marauding interlopers.
Waterfront Soundings Productions
3252 Kempton Ave., Oakland, California 94611
3252 Kempton Ave., Oakland, California 94611
Distributor Database, Waterfront Soundings Productions